Monday, 25 March 2013

Facebook hackin tricks

How to hack a facebook account (100% working)

How to hack a facebook account (100% working)

Hi guys, hacking a facebook account isn't an easy task these days, because now a days faecook started to focusing more onto their security, in order to prevent their users from being hacked. But there are still some loopholes in their security exists. I've found some of them and tested them with myself and finally came to know that this trick is working hundred percent. so lest get started.

Step1: Go to victim's page and get there email, then log out of your facebook.

Step 2: Make 3 FAKE profiles with info and pictures (try to make it looking like legit).

Step 3: Send the friend request to the slave from those 3 accounts.

Step 4: Go to and enter the email you have got on step 1 and click forgot your password.

Step 5: When you get to the secret question, take a couple good guesses at what those passwords could be.

Step 6: If you fail the secret answer three times don't worry, it will ask you to select 3 of your trusted friends. Then facebook will send the code to  those friends. Now we're going to choose the 3 fake profiles we made as the trusted friends.

Step 7: Log into all of the fake profiles and retrieve the codes.

Step 8:  Finally reset there password and enjoy your victim's facebook.


1. Never accept unknown friend requests.
2. Never disclose your e-mail address.

Thursday, 21 March 2013