Can’t a mother worship Lord for 5 weeks after delivery? What shall I do to bring my child as a devotee?
A female devotee who asked anonymity asked like this:
“Hare Krishna. With Lord Krishna's blessings, I am going to have a baby soon. I was told that for 5 weeks after birth of a newborn, one should not pray to god ... Is that true... Pls advise and don't disclose my nAme... Also pls advice what should i do to ensure my baby grows up to loving Krishna as i do, and be a good- hearted person.
There is NO such rules that one should not worship God for 5 weeks after the birth of a child. You may avoid touching the deities/ pictures of Krishna for about one week after delivery. However, you can chant Hare Krishna during these days.
And, to get a devotee child, the parents may follow these points:
1. Asadvised by Srila Prabhupada, before going to bed, chant 64 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha Manthra and after that take steps to get conceived.
2. If you have missed the above step, and, if you have already conceived and have not yet delivered a child, chant Hare Krishna all the time and read the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatham throughout the day whenever possible. Sing songs about Krishna. Keep your mind always in the thoughts of Krishna. This will give you a Krishna Consious child.
3. If you have missed both the above steps and you have already delivered a child, always chant and sing in a certain voice about Krishna that can be heard by that child. WHile he/ she grows, tell the stiries of Krishna’s childhood lilas. Make him/ her to memorise the manthras related to krishna right from the childhood. Always keep him/ her in the assembly of devotees and avoid karmic company for him/ her. After school time, allow him to read about krishna and chant a single round daily. You both parents should not see T.V programmes in front of him/ her and should not speak mundane talks in front of the child.
Keep your home like temple with the pictures of Krishna and he can always see them. Make him/ her offer worships to krishna daily in front of the alter/ picture.
If you follow these steps, he / she will become a devotee child with good qualities.
All the best.

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